Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life (continued)

One of the prerequisites of moving in an environment is that the organism doing the moving has to have a picture of some sort of the environment the organism is moving through. Without a picture, the organism would bounce off obstacles, fall into crevices, or fall prey to unseen and unrecognized dangers. While there’s nothing about this fact in the scientific canon, it’s undeniable. Mobility requires a mechanism to store pictures of the environment.
Just storing pictures of the environment the organism has to move through would simply provide a display of pictures. These pictures have to work with some physical mechanisms to allow safe movement and here enters probably the most ingenious advancement in evolution. It is fairly easy to see how recall works. Animate matter encounters a reality for which it has a picture stored. The reality immediately recalls the stored picture. But so what? It now has two pictures. How does having two pictures of reality allow animate matter to move safely in the environment?
The animate matter lives in its recall. As it goes through the reality it is familiar with, reality agrees with recall and it can go about its business. However, if reality doesn’t agree with recall, the animate matter has to stop and see what it is about reality that’s changed.
We should stop and contemplate this evolutionary advancement because, as we will see in the next chapter, it is central to the mind’s operation. Because it deals with disagreement, science wouldn’t even suspect it. Science looks for agreements, or comparisons, not disagreements.
Yet here we have an evolutionary advancement based on disagreement. As long as reality agrees with the way reality was before, animate matter will be mobile, move through reality. Any change in reality brings animate matter to a halt until it can form a new picture of reality that will produce agreement when put into recall.
Mobility is a crucial stage in evolution, but it’s followed closely by the most important development in evolution, communication. As soon as animate matter evolved the ability to hold a picture in recall, it evolved the ability to communicate the pictures being formed to one another. This stage, communication, was followed by the next stage, the ability to manipulate reality, because pictures of reality could be manipulated to animate matter’s benefit.
Perhaps it would be better to simply call this stage sentience, but sentience doesn’t cover the evolutionary significance of each of the parts. To be mobile required the ability to form a picture of the environment that in turn required communication which then required some sort of mental activity, sentience. As we will see in the next chapter, sentience is the ability to continuously form a picture of recalled reality and then reflexively react when that picture changes, either to get out of danger or to get food.
As we have seen, each stage extended life’s survivability and we can therefore conclude that evolution has a purpose, and that purpose is the creation and preservation of life. The final stage of evolution, intelligence, reinforces this conclusion. Intelligence evolves when animate matter obtains the ability to hold a picture in recall regardless of reality. This means animate matter can alter the picture and therefore later reality. We can create pictures of ways to get off the planet, extending life not only beyond the planet, but potentially, as the planet grows old and dies, to the universe.
The purpose of the universe is the population of the universe with life. Solar systems form and produce the rotation that produces life. A cooling planet produces the evolution that evolves life to the point the life it created can break free and exist independently of the planet,
Life is the purpose of the universe!

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