Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Mind (continued)

Information about distance. If we don't know the distance, and we don't know how much light is being emitted, we might not be able to interpret the information about distance, but we will see that isn't important in determining how we see what we see.
Once we understand the fact, not concept, but fact, of expanding spheres of light, we have to understand how light travels. To do this, we have to know that light diminishes uniformly as it expands. This is a window into the nature of the frequency of light. For light to be diminishing, something empirical science doesn't like to discuss because it destroys the myth that its telescopes can see light from the end of the universe and the beginning of time, with light diminishing, it has to be traveling in streams that are expanding over the surface of the expanding sphere. Forget wavelength, think flows. Light is not only a series of frequencies, it is a series of frequencies that are connected to the series behind them so that as the frequencies expand, they retain frequency, but lose intensity.
This leads to the conclusion that light is a flow of frequencies that diminish over the surface of the expanding sphere each of the frequencies constitute. Thus, when the expanding spheres of light from the light bulb hanging in the center of the room hit the walls, they bounce off the walls, not as expanding spheres, but as flows of light. At each point a quantum of flow, and I use the word quantum to describe the amount of light the flow contains at that point determined by the distance to its source, bounces off the wall and begins to itself re-expand in a new expanding sphere of light. Why? Because light expands into the area available for it to expand.
As each flow that bounces off the wall re-expands, it has a new point of expansion, and a new measurement for the intensity, or strength of the flow. Thus, it provides information as to its source. This information is precise information, but like the light from the sun, the actual nature of the information is not known, cannot be known, unless we are controlling the intensity and distance, and more important in understanding how we see what we see, it doesn't have to be known. This is because the eye is not determining the information relative to a single flow of light, it is determining the information relative to millions of flows of light. All it needs to know is the relative difference between the flows to construct a picture of the distances the flows are producing.
While an individual flow of light contains information, it’s the relative distances of the millions of flow that our eyes use to build a replica of the dimensions of reality.
If we change our controlled room to a room with abundant windows and a lot of furniture, we can understand how knowing the relative differences in the information contained in each flow allows us to construct a picture of what we see. The sunlight is streaming in and lighting up the furniture. The furniture is solid, three-dimensional objects in reality. These solid objects are made up of edges, not just the back of a couch, but a back of a couch that stretches perhaps six feet, and therefore has thousands of edges making up its back. In short, there are millions of edges in the room the sunlight is bouncing off. As the sunlight streams into the room, it hits these edges at a different distance so that no single frequency flow hits more than one edge. This is because the edges are all different distances from the source of the light, the sun. It might only be a small distance, but the frequencies of light are very small, much smaller than the hard edges of reality we need for our eyes to define that realty.
As each of the flows bounce off a hard edge in the room, it begins to re-expand and thus the flows that each edge represents have the unique information embedded in it about its distance from wherever it enters the eye. At the same time, discreet flows from all the hard edges of reality are entering the eye. As the eye collects these flows, it can compare them on a relative basis and therefore has the information needed to reconstruct a picture of what it sees.
Thus, our eyes naturally deal with the physical dimensions of reality. How do those dimensions get from the eye to the mind?
(To be continued)

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Mind (continued)

The objects in our existence have distinct shapes. Some are one dimensional, posters and walls, others are three dimensional, chairs and tables. All may have other shapes attached to them, the posters, words or pictures, the walls, decorations, the three-dimensional objects decorations of one type or another. If they occupy a windowless room, and we turn off the light, however, they all have one thing in common. They disappear from our vision. We can no longer see them. I realize this is obvious, but it is worth saying because it points out that we see what we see because of light. There is nothing inherent about objects in reality (with the few exceptions of objects which themselves produce light) that has anything to do with how we see what we see. If we want to find out how we see what we see, we have to look at light to understand, and the question, what is happening between the objects in reality and our eyes that allows us to obtain a picture of reality, can be refined by asking, what is it about light that allows us to see the dimensions of the objects in our reality.
Light is a very measurable quantity. If we hang a lone light bulb in the middle of a room ten feet wide by ten feet deep by ten feet high, we can make a specific statement about the light coming from the light bulb. Except where it is being prevented from expanding by the cord it's hanging from, the light is expanding away from the light bulb in all directions. This is what I call an expanding sphere of light, and it continually amazes me the difficulty people have, and when I say people, I refer to scientists, engineers and liberal arts diploma devotees, in understanding this. It is not a concept, it is a fact. Light expands away from its source in all directions. At any instant, a new sphere of light is being emitted by the light bulb.
This, we’ll see, when we look closely at the structure of light, is the building block of gravity. It’s an unimportant principle so long as science denies the physical existence of light, but that’s just one more display of scientific ignorance.
Expanding light results in a continuous series of expanding spheres our mechanical detectors are designed to represent as waves, but which are in actuality frequencies, with the hotter the light, the shorter the frequencies.
We can measure precisely how these expanding spheres act simply by knowing the formula for the area of a sphere. The area of a sphere is 4pr2, where the r2 is the square of the sphere's radius. Thus, with the other terms static for all of the expanding spheres, the square of the sphere's radius from its source determines the area of the surface of the expanding sphere and most important, the amount of light at any one point. This is why light expands inversely with the square of its distance from its source.
We now know the exact amount of light that exists at any point in our theoretical room because all we have to do is measure the distance of that point from the surface of the light bulb. If we hold an object five feet away from the bulb, the strength of the expanding sphere will be different than if we hold an object six feet away from the light. Because the expanding spheres are being emitted at any one instant, the light bouncing off the object is not the same light, but it is the same amount of light. When we move out to the six foot point, at each instance its different light, but the same amount of light at six feet, less than at five feet. How much less? Light diminishes uniformly over the expanding spheres, so it's easily determined how much less the light is. This is all mathematically computable if we know the amount of light being emitted from the bulb and the distance the object is from the bulb.
The sun is continually emitting expanding spheres of light, but we can only approximate the distance and we definitely can't compute the amount of light with any degree of accuracy, but that is not important in determining how we see what we see. In our experimental room, we can determine this, and we are only doing so to understand how light carries information.
What information?
(To be continued)

Friday, June 13, 2008

The Mind (continued)

Let me emphasize this fact: the reality we live in is made up of physical points that are its dimensions. If we’re looking at a ruler, each point is marked, but there are billions, an uncountable number of points. These are the dimensions of reality and they exist outside the mind,
Before we can construct a picture of reality, those points, the dimensions of reality have to move from outside our minds (objective) to inside our minds (subjective). External reality is objective and real, and we are somehow constructed so that we can reproduce that external reality within our skulls. This fact leads to three questions empirical science has never bothered to address. The first question is, what is happening in physical reality between the objects that make up that reality and our eyes that allow our eyes to obtain the dimensions of physical reality? The second question is, how is that information transported up the optic nerve?
The third question is, how do we reconstruct the information in our skulls so that we have an accurate representation of objective external reality?
(To be continued)

Monday, June 9, 2008

The Mind

Clearly, the purpose of evolution is the creation and development of life, but what’s the purpose of life?
The development and perfection of the mind. The mind is the tool we use to produce the technological advancements that in turn ensure the survivability of life. We take a picture of reality and hold it in mind, we then alter that picture until we have a picture of something we think will work in reality and then we attempt to create the new reality. Edison pictured reality without the light bulb, then he pictured the light bulb and then he tinkered with reality until the light bulb became a reality.
All this picturing and re-picturing meant one thing: a picture of reality was going from outside the skull to inside the skull. This is a marvelous fact, one that should have been explored with proposed answers for thousands of years. Science not only fails to explain obvious and incredible fact, how do the images that exist in external reality become the images that we can form in our minds, it fails to recognize it,
Anyone spending anytime in an eye doctor's examining room is familiar with the pictures of the eyeballs on the walls, and even the large plastic eyeballs that can be taken apart to show the various parts of the eye. But this is medical and has nothing to do with how we see what we see. Digging deeper, we find that the eye has millions of what are called photoreceptive neurons. Photon has a definition dealing with the eye, a unit of retinal illumination equal to the amount of light that reaches the retina through one square millimeter of pupil area from a surface having a brightness of one candela per square meter. More words. I don't know where the coined word photon, used to provide an explanation for Einstein's photoelectric effect. came from, but the photograph came first.
These photoreceptive neurons are found in the retina, an inside layer of the eyeball, and come in two flavors, rods and cones. Rods discern light and dark, shape and movement, and contain only one light sensitive pigment. Cones require more light than rods and also come in three flavors, with ones that contain pigments that respond to the different wavelengths or frequencies, red, green or blue. This is a deduction from the white light is made up of all colors fiction Newton created which makes all of nature conform to the human eye. (Frequencies increase until they get to the frequency involved with our vision. Then, by chance, the frequencies we see are all bundled together into a single frequency that then has to be broken down into color. This leads to the absurd notion that material absorbs all colors but the one we see and therefore the cones have to have pigments "sensitive" to the basic colors so they can be separated out and then recombined to form all colors. Seriously, does anyone think nature, which opts for the simplest solution, would create a system that required the eye to see a rainbow first by having each drop of water filter out all but one of the possible colors requiring our eye to then recombine them? Well, yes, everyone.
Knowing nothing about how we see what we see, science returns to the medical, which has the rods and cones sending light to a lens at the back of the eye with the lens connected to the optic nerve. What travels up the optic nerve? How does the mind convert whatever is traveling up the optic nerve into a picture of what is in reality, these questions are simply not valid scientific questions. Empirical science can only speculate on what carries outside pictures into the brain, but it does know what happens when whatever it is that gets to the brain, works: it lights up neurons in specific patterns that become linked for life and those lit up neurons become the picture of reality that we see in reality. So for empirical science, reality is out there, and it's in our heads, but there's no in-between. Our eyes are just one of our senses, and senses, by definition are s senses, so we don't need to make sense out of the obvious.
But the reality is, in the face of science's refusal to admit it as a result of its laziness and resulting ignorance, the dimensions of external reality are somehow transported through our optic nerves so that we can internally reconstruct those dimensions and produce a picture of reality.
(To be continued)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Life (continued)

One of the prerequisites of moving in an environment is that the organism doing the moving has to have a picture of some sort of the environment the organism is moving through. Without a picture, the organism would bounce off obstacles, fall into crevices, or fall prey to unseen and unrecognized dangers. While there’s nothing about this fact in the scientific canon, it’s undeniable. Mobility requires a mechanism to store pictures of the environment.
Just storing pictures of the environment the organism has to move through would simply provide a display of pictures. These pictures have to work with some physical mechanisms to allow safe movement and here enters probably the most ingenious advancement in evolution. It is fairly easy to see how recall works. Animate matter encounters a reality for which it has a picture stored. The reality immediately recalls the stored picture. But so what? It now has two pictures. How does having two pictures of reality allow animate matter to move safely in the environment?
The animate matter lives in its recall. As it goes through the reality it is familiar with, reality agrees with recall and it can go about its business. However, if reality doesn’t agree with recall, the animate matter has to stop and see what it is about reality that’s changed.
We should stop and contemplate this evolutionary advancement because, as we will see in the next chapter, it is central to the mind’s operation. Because it deals with disagreement, science wouldn’t even suspect it. Science looks for agreements, or comparisons, not disagreements.
Yet here we have an evolutionary advancement based on disagreement. As long as reality agrees with the way reality was before, animate matter will be mobile, move through reality. Any change in reality brings animate matter to a halt until it can form a new picture of reality that will produce agreement when put into recall.
Mobility is a crucial stage in evolution, but it’s followed closely by the most important development in evolution, communication. As soon as animate matter evolved the ability to hold a picture in recall, it evolved the ability to communicate the pictures being formed to one another. This stage, communication, was followed by the next stage, the ability to manipulate reality, because pictures of reality could be manipulated to animate matter’s benefit.
Perhaps it would be better to simply call this stage sentience, but sentience doesn’t cover the evolutionary significance of each of the parts. To be mobile required the ability to form a picture of the environment that in turn required communication which then required some sort of mental activity, sentience. As we will see in the next chapter, sentience is the ability to continuously form a picture of recalled reality and then reflexively react when that picture changes, either to get out of danger or to get food.
As we have seen, each stage extended life’s survivability and we can therefore conclude that evolution has a purpose, and that purpose is the creation and preservation of life. The final stage of evolution, intelligence, reinforces this conclusion. Intelligence evolves when animate matter obtains the ability to hold a picture in recall regardless of reality. This means animate matter can alter the picture and therefore later reality. We can create pictures of ways to get off the planet, extending life not only beyond the planet, but potentially, as the planet grows old and dies, to the universe.
The purpose of the universe is the population of the universe with life. Solar systems form and produce the rotation that produces life. A cooling planet produces the evolution that evolves life to the point the life it created can break free and exist independently of the planet,
Life is the purpose of the universe!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Life (continued)

The next significant evolutionary development, the ambulatory, occurred in the ponds and streams. This is so obvious, that even science seems to have it right. If evolution stopped with seeding, life on Earth would be dead-ended. A forest would grow here, seed itself somewhere else, then burn down. Life was preserved, but to what effect. Life has not extended its survivability.
Life has to extend its survivability.
This is the key purpose for any evolutionary advancement because without the extension of survivability, there might as well be no life. While the ambulatory stage of evolution took place in water, its most significant effect was on land. The significance of the ambulatory stage can be stated with reference to a deer. As the forest fire rages, consuming all stationary life in its path, the ambulatory deer can flee the fire to live another day.
Science would most certainly ask, how does this increase the survivability of life? The seeding stage has already taken care of preserving life. The deer is merely a more complex seeding system.
That’s because to science, evolution is purposeless. However, with the development of the ambulatory stage, life had entered a stage that allowed it to begin to learn how to survive. I’m shortcutting the millions of failed attempts that led from fins to legs, but in my case, I end up with life, because it has increased its longevity, has extended its range of survivability. With science and its fish crawling out of the swamp, we have the trial and error happenstance of a fish crawling out of a swamp. With science, it has no purpose. Under my view of evolution, we have a significant event because mobility extends survivability. The ambulatory stage not only increased survivability because it allows life, which up until that time could only stay in place while the fire consumed it, to flee danger.
(To be continued)

Friday, May 2, 2008

Life (continued)

Evolution is life driven.
Let’s start with what we can call the stationary stage. Here telluric currents move back and forth, some through land, others through bubble caverns, still others through ponds. The algae, oil and lichen, to name a few of the billions of possible life forms that result, are totally dependent on the existing telluric currents. If the telluric currents stop, the life forms that came into existence and are dependent on the flows for their existence, cease to be. The atoms and molecules of atoms could also become unavailable, bringing the life forms to an end.
Life is the organization of atoms and molecules around electrical flows and during the stationary stage of evolution, the first stage, massive experimentation takes place. To what end is this experimentation directed? If the stationary stage of evolution continued, life would always be dependent on the existing electric flows. Flows stopped, life stopped. But the purpose of life, as we will clearly see, is not simply to exist, it’s to perpetuate itself and life that is dependent on in-place electric flows has no ability to perpetuate itself.
What would give life dependent on in-place flows the ability to perpetuate itself? The ability to seed and seeding is the second sage of evolution. Seeding allows life that’s in-place to cast itself to the wind. Thus, even if the electric flows stop and the in-place life ceases to exist, it will live on elsewhere.
We can start to see that the purpose of life is life’s perpetuation. Evolution is not directionless. It is not purposeless. From the first turn of the Earth, a physical process of the solar system that will produce life, life was on the horizon, and not just life, life that will fight to preserve itself, not species, but preserve life itself.
(To be continued)