Saturday, February 23, 2008

Life (continued)

What does this echo in the universal chamber of science? There can be no forces, other than the passive forces found in nature, forces like gravity, electrical and magnetic, at work in the world. If there are no forces to affect the formation of life, then life has to form spontaneously. This is ignorant science, which ignores current force, When it comes to the question of why the planet orbits the sun, the men who hadn’t quit arguing about whether it was motionless or even orbited the sun concluded it didn’t need current force to orbit because forces put it in motion some time in the distant past and it’s just been orbiting ever since because nothing has slowed it down. The only force available to slow it down was gravity, but fortunately, when the explanation for gravity was thought up, it was concluded, because the conclusion that an historical force causes orbiting was correct, that because the planet was still orbiting, gravity didn’t slow a planet down. Here science is doing its usual, making up an answer, then using another made-up answer to prove the new made-up answer.
Another physical phenomenon where science ignores the need for current force, and actually the physical phenomenon that generates life, is planetary rotation. It’s amazing how science came to terms with the fact that the planet orbits the sun, by ignoring that it orbits the sun (needs no current force to orbit) while acknowledging it. Under the old view, the planet neither rotated nor orbited. Under the new view, it does both without the need for any force. The idea the planet doesn’t need a current force to keep it in motion is contradicted by so much physical evidence that one wonders if the gnomes of science are two short to even see over their noses. We encountered the obvious fact that the planet speeds up air that is returning to the equator, and that it takes a current force to do that. We can look at the ocean currents driven by the rotating planet and even the tides (find a scientist who can use the moon to predict the tides or better, ask a scientist if the moon predicts the tides and when he says yes, ask for the evidence. After all this, more than any other made-up answer, the moon causes them, should be demonstrable, but golly, no one's tried.). The notion that the Earth has been rotating for five billion years with no current force is so absurd, it’s universally accepted without question. Other beliefs (which is a notion with no proof) are routinely questioned, from religion to evolution, but not the magically rotating Earth!
How does the planet’s rotation produce life?
(To be continued)

Saturday, February 16, 2008


In the early fifties, there was a flurry of attempts to crate life in the laboratory by simulating the Earth’s primordial soup and passing electricity through it. The key experiment, and the most famous, was performed by Miller and Urey. After operating the experiment for a week, Miller and Urey were able to demonstrate the existence of organic compounds in the controlled setting. Thus, while the experiment didn’t produce life, it produced the remnants of life (or to turn it around, the building blocks of life). The experiment is widely performed today with new conceptions of what the conditions on Earth were at the beginning. As none of the experiments produced viable life, the explanation for the origins of life has shifted to attempting to hypothesize how various atoms and molecules of atoms might have spontaneously combined in the primordial soup. Needless to say, nothing has worked.
Of course, as usual science is attempting to explain something that it hasn’t even defined. For example, some definitions of life include viruses, others don’t. Some consider life to be the opposite of life. It appears to be one of those things like beauty, we can’t define it, but we know it when we see it. One thing is certain, however, it formed spontaneously in a primordial soup (unless it came from outer space, which is really stupid, because if it came from outer space, then the question should be, how did it form before it got transported here? Science loves to answer questions by giving the appearance of answering them.)
As for the primordial soup theory, that was a 1920s conjecture that came, after the Miller/Urey experiment in the 50’s, accepted, which means that instead of ever again questioning the primordial soup theory, science bickers about what it was made of. Much more important, and indicative of scientific ignorance, is the unquestioned assumption that life needs to be formed spontaneously.
(to be continued)

Saturday, February 9, 2008

The Weather (continued)

As this process is a daytime operation, interrupted during the nighttime hours, the ice flecs form into gigantic sheets that move northward, each sheet the product of a day’s molecular conversion into atoms. As these sheets of atoms move north, they increasingly move into a smaller volume. With the volume gradually diminishing, they are forced down into the slower moving lower atmosphere. These air masses are warmer than the air masses containing the sheets of ice flecs and thus start field replacing the ice flecs. The orbiting electrons tightly bound to the nuclei of the hydrogen and oxygen atoms come into contact with the ambient field of the warmer air masses. The ambient field, being warmer, is electron rich, the electrons replacing the excess affinity propensities of the hydrogen and oxygen nuclei. As they do so, electrons leave their orbiting clouds. As the water molecule is a much more efficient way of balancing affinity propensities, the individual atoms, when they reach a point where the excess affinity propensities of their nuclei have been satisfied by the electrons in the ambient field (when the environment is hot enough), will recombine into water molecules.
The rate at which this recombination occurs determines the type of weather that results because as the water molecules form, they reduce the number of electrons that are needed in the orbiting clouds of the resulting molecules. These electrons, which have been transported north by the ice flecs, are released into ambient field. The faster the ice flecs convert into water, the more these electrons have to be absorbed by the ambient field. If the process is slow, the ambient field can absorb them without trouble. This works to produce a steady rain with no thunder and lightning. However, if the ice flecs are pushed down into warmer air, the conversion will become more rapid. When the ambient field cannot absorb all of the electrons being generated by the conversion, the electrons have to find a source of excess affinity propensity. The ground is just such a source, and as they collect, they organize themselves into electricity and are discharged into the earth in the form of lightning, with the lightning discharge producing the thunder that marks the name of this type of storm.
Many people consider the thunderheads formed in the southwest to be the most magnificent of thunderstorms. Instead of decreasing area forcing ice flec carrying air down, the mountains in the southwestern United States force the lower air into the path of the northerly moving ice flec sheets. This results in the formation of giant thunderheads that are themselves moving rapidly in a northeast direction, the result of the rapidly moving air being forced over a slower moving Earth. As the air in this part of the country at this particular time of year is heated, the conversion process is rapid and violent. The water is unable to form fast enough and instead forms ice. Because this ice is not formed from water, but rather from the ice flecs themselves, these evidence the same characteristics that ice left to long in the freezer demonstrate, the lack of electrons holding the hydrogen and oxygen atoms together mentioned in the chapter on field replacement.
These thunderheads, located as they are in a heated environment, also demonstrate a unique weather phenomenon. As the storm moves in a northeasterly direction, releasing electrons in the conversion process, those excess electrons are absorbed by the earth as lightning. The thunderhead is also blocking the sun out from beneath it as it moves. The ground beneath is already very warm. Remembering the effect of field replacement on the earth, when the sun is out, it replaces electrons and when it’s not, the earth absorbs electrons. Thus the temporary darkness when the thunderhead is directly overhead, allows the earth to absorb these electrons readily.
What happens as the thunderhead passes, eliminating the temporary night-like conditions? The ground became supersaturated with electrons during the period the storm was overhead. What happens when the thunderhead passes and daylight comes?
The sun begins to field replace the ground once again, which means that all of the electrons absorbed while the sun was blocked by the storm start to leave the ground en masse, causing, at the least, massive heated updrafts of air. Sometimes, the storm has been so violent and the ground so hot, these updrafts themselves begin to swirl, the electron flows acting like inductances on the air. The air organizes itself around them.
The result?
Tornadoes, which form in the wake of these thunderheads.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Weather (continued)

When we look closely at what has happened on an atomic level, we find something very interesting going on. We now know that the model of an atom with a fixed number of electrons orbiting its nucleus in defined orbits was a mentalization. In reality, there is an orbiting cloud of electrons as noted in Chapter 2 (and today, by most of the scientific community). This cloud of orbiting electrons is held in place by the excess affinity propensity of the nucleus. The water molecule, three atoms held together, has an orbiting cloud of electrons that has replaced the orbiting clouds of the individual atoms. Atoms that form into molecules give up their individual clouds, with the new molecule attracting a cloud that orbits whatever the newly created excess affinity propensity is.
It is this orbiting cloud of the water molecule that is being field replaced by the rays of the equatorial sun and in the process breaking the hydrogen and oxygen atoms apart, where they begin to rise. However, there is one other process that is occurring as the process continues throughout the day. The hydrogen and oxygen atoms, as soon as they separate, need to form new orbiting clouds. The area in which this process is occurring has ample electrons in its ambient field to accomplish the task. First, the electrons from the orbiting clouds of the water molecules are available. Second, the electrons in the incoming flows of light are breaking down and in abundance. Thus, each atom has no trouble forming its own orbiting cloud of electrons.
Because we know that these electrons will rise and form the northerly moving part of the atmosphere, we can stop for a moment and examine what is actually happening here. The process of breaking down a water molecule, with a single orbiting cloud, into its constituent atoms and the formation of new orbiting clouds by those atoms, has soaked up electrons at the equator. Electrons are energy, so basically the process is storing equatorial energy, the incredible heat that occurs from having the sun beating down constantly, energy that can then be moved to another place. What place? North.
As the lower moving air masses arrive from the poles, they force the air masses that are already at the equator to start their northerly journey. But these air masses having been receiving the rising hydrogen and oxygen atoms. As these atoms rise, they encounter colder temperatures. Colder temperatures are merely a reduction of field replacement. When atoms experience field replacement, they give up electrons to the extent the field replacement satisfies the excess affinity propensities of their nuclei. When atoms are subject to reduced field replacement, they attempt to obtain electrons out of the ambient field, and to the extent they can’t, they hold the electrons they do have even closer.
Thus, the atoms rising at the equator that used to constitute water, now hug their orbiting clouds of electrons closer and closer, becoming more self-contained the colder they becomes. However, because the product isn’t ice, as one would normally suppose if it were a case of evaporating water molecules, I had to term them ice flecs to distinguish them from ice.
(To be continued)