The mechanics of field replacement are counterintuitive in a world where science never looks below the surface to ascertain what’s really happening, but the building blocks that make it intuitive are clear: a single elementary particle, the electron, with two opposing properties, at rest motion and excess affinity propensity in a universe where the two have a profound effect on each other. Excess affinity propensities attract electrons while flows of electrons release electrons into the environment. Having built a science on the observations of dead men who neither saw nor analyzed reality in a forthright way, but merely came up with ad hoc explanations for it, has produced a stunted science that is neither interested in or wants to examine what is happening, rather one that simply wants answers no matter how anomalous or inconsistent they are in relation to its other answers. Without the knowledge of the existence of fields, we end up with absurdities, two of which I would like to close the chapter with.
All matter on Earth exists in the Earth’s field. While rotation exposes all matter periodically to alternating bouts with the sun’s very strong field, the constant field we live in is generated by the Earth. That field starts out somewhere beneath the Earth’s surface and expands in an expanding sphere out and away from the Earth. Thus the further we get from the source of the field, the more the field diminishes, the diminishing occurring inversely with the square of its distance.
We are all familiar with Einstein’s obsession with relative time and space. After the Michelson Morley experiment failed and science was attempting to find a reason why, it was eventually accepted that the aether didn’t exist and motion was relative. This meant that both distance and time changed with speed. All of modern science is based on Einstein’s relative motion. For Einstein, there was no such thing as absolute motion. An observer in motion is incapable of determining the absolute motion of a second object in motion because, once the two are relative to one another, the distances of the objects, as well as the times, are relative.
Probably the most famous “proof” of this statement is, with the dawn of the space age, the very expensive sending of one clock into space while a control clock is monitored on the surface of the Earth. Because the clock in space is moving faster than the clock on the ground, the reasoning goes that the clock in space will slow down relative to the clock on the ground.
Lo and behold, the experiment was worth every penny because it did slow down. Now we know we live in a universe that no one can understand so science is free to blather on and on with the defense that the universe is stranger than we can imagine and therefore it takes bubbleheads with endless schooling to do the understanding for us.
Unfortunately, with no knowledge of the field being emitted by the Earth, we can all be informed by the abstruse utterances such an absurdity provides unless we’re actually navigators doing something in the real world.
The clocks used in the experiment are the most accurate clocks in the world, which means they are atomic clocks. An atomic clock keeps time by recording emissions from an atomic substance, meaning atoms, at the basis of the clock. What are causing these emissions? The instability of the atom as it exists in the field. The atom is decaying at a fixed rate because it’s in a fixed field. The fixed field is field replacing the electrons that make up the units in its nucleus at a steady rate. As long as the field remains the same, the rate of field replacement will remain the same.
So what happens when we change the rate of field replacement in one clock, place it in an environment with less of a field? The rate of field replacement will slow down. What’s the effect on the clock, which is driven by the decay of the constituent parts of its atoms? Lower field replacement, lower decay, fewer ticks. The clock is going to register fewer incidents of decay than one in a stronger field and is therefore going to actually slow down.
In the experiment, one atomic clock is left in a strong field, and another, several hundred miles above the Earth, in a weaker field, and the one in the weaker field, as a result of the lesser field replacement, simply doesn’t register as many events as the one on the ground, and we base our entire science on this idiocy of ignorance.
Even though our bubbleheads universally accept the clock experiment as absolute prove of relative everything, a Frenchman by the name of Sagnac demonstrated in 1913 that an absolute measurement could be obtained of a moving object by a moving object, inventing the ring interferometer that makes accurate air travel possible today, but hey, don’t expect our bubbleheads flying all over the world for expensive conferences to look up from their bubblebooks to see reality.
(To be continued)