When we boil water, the flame over which it sits is field replacing the electrons holding the atoms of hydrogen and oxygen together. Those atoms, now lighter than air, start to rise. However, because they are rising into a diminishing field, the atoms immediately turn back into water as the oxygen and hydrogen atoms recombine. If we put the process under pressure, the atoms don’t recombine, become an explosive gas and can perform work, as in a steam engine. However, as the steam expands, it immediately condenses as the recombination of the atoms draws electrons out of the ambient field.
However, leaving water out in the sun causes the sun to do the field replacing. The process is not only less rapid as boiling water, the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen are not rising into a diminishing field. We see empirical classification at work here with heat causing water to disappear with the two equaling evaporation, but the outcome of each is quite different. When water is rapidly boiled and evaporates into a diminishing field, the oxygen and hydrogen atoms come back together as water. When water is evaporated in sunlight, the oxygen and hydrogen atoms don’t get a chance to reunite, but rather remain separate. When they do reunite, they do produce rain along with a heck of a lot of lightning.
Let’s look at the evaporation process at the equator, where most weather originates. Nuclei of the oxygen and hydrogen atoms are held together into water molecules by the excess affinity propensities of their nuclei and the cloud of orbiting electrons that surround them. As the sun strikes the surface of the equatorial waters, it replaces the clouds of orbiting electrons, and loosens the attraction of the excess affinity propensities by replacing that attraction with its own field. As hydrogen is much lighter than oxygen, it immediately rises into the atmosphere, but because the oxygen is also lighter than the atmosphere, it follows. However, because the two are moving at different rates, they don't have a chance to recombine.
When they rise high enough, they freeze, but into what? As science has no idea about these massive fields of frozen oxygen and hydrogen atoms that comprise the upper atmosphere, I am forced to make up a name for them, and I ended up referring to them as ice flecs, the slight misspelling designed to distinguish them from ice flecks, which actually are ice.
Looking more closely at the field replacement process, when the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen separate, what is happening? All nuclei need a cloud of orbiting electrons. The water molecule has a single cloud of orbiting electrons, When the three atoms separate, each atom needs its own field of orbiting electrons, so what before field replacement required a single cloud of orbiting electrons requires three fields of orbiting electrons after field replacement.
As the hydrogen and oxygen atoms are being field replaced at the equator, they are pulling huge amounts of electrons out of what is an electron abundant area, the electrons produced by the rays of the sun breaking down on the surface of the equatorial oceans. What does this mean? It means that the rising evaporate, the individual atoms, are carrying with them one heck of a lot of heat, or in simple terms, energy and this is why I call the result ice flecs. As they rise into the atmosphere, there is, on a purely physical basis, more and more area available. This causes these giant sheets of ice flecs to cling closer together as a result of the increasing affinity propensities of the larger area. They become the raw material of the weather, and while I don’t want to infringe on the material in the next chapter, we still need to see what happens when the sheets of ice flecs themselves become field replaced.
(To be continued)
Monday, November 26, 2007
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You were doing a great job in clearing up a question I had regarding what happens to water molecules after they evaporate but then you stopped explaining right before you got to the end! Could you please tell me, since as I had imagined, the atoms in a water molecule do separate, do the Same molecules come back together when they cool in the upper atmosphere or do they simply attract nearby atoms that then recombine to form water, ie: condensation and then precipitation?
Under my scenario, the atoms of oxygen and hydrogen are attracted in giant sheets (they are not produced in the nighttime) and do not collect other atoms, but move north where they are forced back down into the atmosphere. It is the recombination of the separated atoms that releases heat and this is how heat moves in the atmosphere.
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